Anxiety Theory: Effort

My first theory starts way before my graduation project even started. It's something I've had all my life but never fully realised until I tried to teach myself how to play the guitar. I've tried to teach myself to play the guitar a couple of times now, every single time I would get up to a just above basic level and than just stop progressing. See, that is where my problem lies. I have a natural gift to pick up pretty much anything to an above average skill level quickly and effortlessly.

Due to the fact that I have always been able to do pretty much do anything at an acceptable level without much effort meant that I never learned how to put in any effort. I have become so aware of this fact that I have actually become jealous of friends who can really commit to something and put in a lot of effort.

In the end I don't believe this to be the cause of my anxiety, afterall I have gone through university rather effortlessly for the past couple of years. Not to say I didn't put in any time or work, I did, I just managed with minimal effort. Let me clarify, I don't think this is the optimal way to go through university.

Until next time.
- Stef Nijenhuis